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  • Fixed Asset Period Closing - No Log

    Hi, We are having an issue with the closing of a Period this month and cannot find out why, and I wonder if someone can help please? The Statement of Context shows everything green, and when we select the company in the Period Closing window, the…
  • Fixed assets error : "Operation impossible. The ""fiscal & accounting"" context of the company must have been defined beforehand"

    Operation impossible. The ""fiscal & accounting"" context of the company must have been defined beforehand
  • FLUIMMOFCY and FAS246G: Entering more than one period

    In the FLUIMMOFCY and FAS246G reports, you can only choose either the whole fiscal year or one single period (January OR February OR March) in the printing criteria. You cannot enter more than one month, for example from Jan-Sep. It was asked by one…
  • Fixed Assets inventory

    Hi, In v6.5 i had GESIOP and GESIPA functions to make inventory of Fixed Assets Management. In v7u9 and v11 versions, it seems those functions are not available . Basic functions of Fixed Assets Modules are still there, my question is about inventory…
  • SAGE X3 V11 Fixed Assets Subsidies Calculation

    Hi All, i am looking for fixed assets subsidies calculation, can any have setup by setup calculation please help me. Thanks,