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  • ErrorMessage: Input string was not in a correct format

    Hello, After I run a job it shows that all the inserts and updates were failed. Almost all the error message (which I could see in 'Transaction Errors') say that 'Input string was not in a correct format'. I want to know how can I get to know…
  • Getting current year, current month

    Hello, I am working on some query and part of the query needs me to select all the records from AR_CustomerSalesHistory table with FiscalYear equivalent to current year. I have tried these and some other combinations: SELECT * FROM AR_CustomerSalesHistory…
  • V/I Import Date field Default - Can it be done?

    I want to import a table's date field with a RUN ASSIGN field that has the current date (or a formula would be better) as the default instead of a static date. So that the user can either accept the default current date or enter their own date. Does anyone…