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  • Back-to-Back order function grey out in Sales Order Screen

    Hi everyone, I got an issue where I was unable to create B2B order in sales order screen as the option is grey out I have checked my product setup and It has the 'back-to-back order' ticked However, I am able to use the Back-to-Back order function…
  • Set replenishment rule

    Hi all, I'm trying to set a replenishment rule on a location from another one. We have raw materials in let's say Site: S01, loc type: MAN, location: RM00. We would like to set replenishment rules on this location from another one from the same site…
  • Encounter error when running Stock Accounting Interface

    Upon running the Stock Accounting Interface interface, I consistently encounter the following error: SOOCKSE22006354 Nonexistent dimension value (STKIS Line 3) Miscellaneous issue VCRNUM=MIOCKSE23003691 Upon thorough investigation, it has come to my…
  • Finding Lot numbers on Unconfirmed Deliveries

    Our business would like to print packing slips before delivery confirmation. In most cases, I can see the lot numbers from screen WK4STD1 but I cannot find the table where that lot is stored. SDELIVERYD seems to only have a lot number for some records…
  • What is the purpose of the following: Substitution product "Field SBSITM / Screen ITS [ITS]" VS Alternate product "Field RPLITM / Screen ITM2 [ITM2]" in "Product"

    Hello All, Can someone explain the reason for these two fields listed in the subject in "Products" screen. I've read the basic break down's from "F1" help, but we are looking for more real world examples and purposes of these two fields. Could either…

    Good Afternoon, We would like to find out if anyone has ever setup workflow escalations on purchase request workflow approvals. under WORKFLOW FURLES, there is a ESC - ESCALATION option when the EVENT TYPE SIGNATURE is selected. However, despite testing…
  • Left Join with is null check

    Hello I want to write the following SQL Query as 4 GL Link instruction: As seen in above screenshot this returns a record. With the following Link statement I try to make this SQL in 4GL. In 4 GL I make a left outer join and check with [F:YCFPJOB…
  • Generación de remesas diferentes por cada fecha de vencimiento

    Buenos días, Recientemente hemos migrado de la V9 a la V12, y en V12 nos hemos encontrado que la generación de remesas no funciona igual que en la V9. En concreto, antes en la V9 cuando accedíamos a la función GENBORREM (Generación remesas) y le pedíamos…
  • [X3v12] Pressing Navigation Page lead to pure whiteout and blank screen after a new group and role creation

    Hi, Not sure the exact steps but this normally occurs after I set up Security Profile, Roles, Groups, and a user for a test run in Syracuse Administration module. Often occurs in Google Chrome. I normally use Firefox as an emergency when this occurs…
  • Filtrado de Selección Secciones analíticas

    Buenas tardes, quisiera consultar si han tenido experiencia en filtrar la lista de secciones analíticas, concretamente para que la lista no incluya aquellos registros cuya fecha fin tenga un valor asignado: Lo he intentado creando una Opción de selección…
  • Sage X3 V12 Shortcuts

    Hi everyone, I came across these excellent and useful to improve navigation on X3 V12. A. Right Panel Actions ESC + N – new ESC + B - save ESC + C - create ESC + D - delete ESC + E - cancel ESC + ALT + U - refresh ESC + ALT + P - print…
  • Save the Date : le Club Clients X3 aura lieu le 2 février 2023 !

    Attention !!! Il ne reste plus que quelques jours pour demander votre invitation au club client X3 le 2 février ! A vos agendas, le Club Clients X3 revient le Jeudi 2 Février 2023. Voici d'ores et déjà l'agenda de cette journée : Demandez votre…
  • Inmovilizado - Asiento baja de inmovilizado por venta, pérdida o desecho en Legislación Española

    Buenos días, Al realizar el flujo de baja de inmovilizado, el asiento estándar en la Legislación Española veo que no recoge la plusvalía o minusvalía a la cuenta de ingreso 771 o gasto 671 tanto para la venta como si se da de baja por desecho o pérdida…
  • Purchase Receipt Function in Datalinx

    Hello Group, I'm hoping for some help or insight into an issue we've encountered using Datalinx & Sage Purchase Receipt Function. This is what we're trying to do: We are trying to use the purchase receipt function in Datalinx and receive an error…
  • How to store Blob image's type in a table ? / Comment stocker le type d'image Blob dans une table ?

    I created a custom screen where I am displaying images related to drivers. I am using a datatype of ABB, Graphic object of Photo.I have an issue on how to store those images. I know that it is stored in the CBLOB table. In the screen ITM1 there is the…
  • How to store Blob image's type in a table ?

    I created a custom screen where I am displaying images related to a driver. I am using a datatype of ABB, input of Display, and Graphic object of Photo.I have an issue on how to store those images. I know that it is stored in the CBLOB table. In the screen…
  • Graphql On-Premise Setup

    Hola a todos, mucho gusto. Estoy desarrollando un middleware para Sage X3 y un sistema 3PL y quisiera usar GraphQL para integrarlo, pero no he sido capaz de encontrar el endpoint de la instancia del X3 Ya probé con " {{server}}/v1/service/PROD/api…
  • Graphql Onpremise setup

    Hello everyone, I'm developing a middleware to integrate Sage X3 with a 3PL and I want to use GraphQL services but I'm not able to connect because I haven't found the correct Endpoint, I already try with " {{server}}/v1/service/PROD/api/" where PROD…
  • Tasa de impuesto para vincular retención al Modelo 115, 123 y 196

    Buenos días, En general tengo dudas con respecto a la tabla DCLVATSPA de cómo se traspasan los datos de impuestos para la mayoría de modelos fiscales disponibles en el último parche de V12. En base a la parametrización de impuestos, concretamente…
  • Facturas no pasan al SII en cliente intracomunitario que tiene NIF Intracomunitario y NIF de No Residente ESPAÑOL (Concretamente DECATHLON)

    Buenas tardes; No consigo enviar al SII facturas al SII a través de SAGE del tercero Decathlon con el que se mantiene relación a nivel NIF INTRACOMUNITARIO y también como NIF DE NO RESIDENTE ESPAÑOL. En nuestro caso se trabaja con el como cliente intracomunitario…
  • Trolley Build Function Sage

    I am wondering if anyone out here has had any experience with the trolley build features with Datalinx? We are thinking of exploring "picking to slot", "Trolley Build", "picking to Carton" functions in our warehouse. Would love to pick someone's brain…
  • SUBSCS - Inter-site transfers - CWSIS

    Hello On V12 Patch 27 Sage introduced CWSIS webservice in order to respond to the new ADC options. However, since it was done in order to work with ADC, Sage limited the use to just that. We can't use the same service for other third party integrations…
  • Problème importation de x3 vers web scheduling

    Bonjour, lors de l'importation de "plant" de sage x3 vers web scheduling via Analytics j'ai rencontré un problème dans le fichier FR012.json "{ "repos": [invalid authentication method: bearer]}" voici le fichier log : [18/01/2022 03:31:32]Service…
  • Planner One notice: Your desktop is being initialized. Please wait until this action is complete.

    Hi all, While using planner one on SageX3 V12, our site is initialized and planner one opens perfectly, but after any WO is submitted we get this notice (making it unable to proceed) Did any of you guys face such an issue? TIA
  • Erreur de création de commande . SAGE X3 V12 patch 25

    Bonjour à tous , Nous avons cette erreur lorsqu'on essaie de créer une commande d'achat Quelqu'un a t'il une idée de comment résoudre ? Merci d'avance de votre aide .