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  • Installing SQL Server PowerShell module when offline (.nupkg)

    With Sage X3 2022 R4, a new prerequisite was introduced for the Sage X3 console, the requirement to install PowerShell v7.2+ and, subsequently, the SqlServer module for PowerShell that allows database scripts to be executed when configuring the application…
  • Install Sage X3 using Azure SQL Elastic Pools as your Database

    In my previous post, I explained how to deploy a SQL Elastic Pool in Azure Portal. In this post, I am going to show how to perform a Sage X3 Solution configuration using the deployed Database, so let's dive right in. To create a solution, open the Solutions…
  • How can I find the SQL execution plan for a custom view in SQL Server Management Studio?

    You may have created some custom views in your Sage X3 system but are finding them slow to execute. The first step in diagnosing poorly performing SQL is often checking the SQL execution plan, but how can you do this with Sage X3 custom views? First…
  • Looking to build a report for Sales by GLCode by month

    Hi, as the subject says, I am building a report to pull sales numbers per company by GLCode in sql server. I'm having a hard time getting data that looks correct. I have tried a few different ways of joining SORDER table to GACCOUNT table. I've tried…
  • Where can I find the received qty from a PO?

    As seen above, I am looking for received/delivered qty from a Purchase Order. Is it the Received STK or PUR in the PORDERQ table? so far I have been using received stk, but am unsure if that is correct
  • How do suppliers work?

    How are suppliers set up? I see in the ITMBPS table, there is a flag for default supplier which makes me think that if it is not a default supplier, is it the last supplier that updates anytime an item is received from a new supplier?
  • How can I go about joining the SINVOICED table to the STOJOU table?

    As seen in the subject, I am looking to join the STOJOU table to the SINVOICED table without the use of the ITMREF column. Data models show a one way arrow from STOJOU to SINVOICED with VCRNUM;VCRLIN. I am unsure of what to do with that, with VCRNUM only…
  • Looking for the sales FOB field in sage x3

    Good day everyone, I am looking for the sales FOB field in sage x3. If there is no field in x3, is there a column in sql? So far I have been unsuccessful in finding said field. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!
  • Sage EM V12 & SQl SERVER 2014 R1

    Bonjour, Quelqu'un a réussi à installer la dernière version de la V12 ( V12.0.21 - 2020 R1) avec SQL SERVER 2014 SE R1 je reçois ce message lors de la configuration de la base par la console. merci par avance
  • Latest V12 & SQL SERVER 2014 R1

    Hi everyone someone has successfully installed the latest V12 update ( V12.0.21 - 2020 R1) with SQL SERVER 2014 (not R2) I receive this message while configuring the database by the console any help please