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  • SYRACUSE WS Unauthorized error

    Hi I'm trying to use X3 V12 webservices from PHP application, below the code I used to save a new order : $soapclient=new SoapClient($wsdl, $options); $callContext = array('codeLang'=>$code_lang, 'codeUser'=>$username, 'password'=>$password, …
  • Sage X3 V7 Update8 SOAP Webservice

    Hi eveybody, I want to call webservices to interact with Sage using PHP. I was not able to do it even using SoapUI this is the code that I sent: <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsi=" ">" xmlns:xsd=" ">…
  • Web services php code to add a lead fails silently

    I'd appreciate some help to identify why this php code fails silently. try { //define connection options, this allows for recording messages sent and received $options = array('trace' => 1); $client = new SoapClient(" ">…
  • Get All Companies

    Hi I have a question. How can I get lists of all companies using web-service in PHP? Should I use query function? Is there any example of using query function? Thanks Kris
  • Access violation at address 1A10D74C when trying to login using the WebService

    Hi, We have a situation where we are trying to login using the soap web service call from a PHP application. After the login request have been sent we get an Access violation at address 1A10D74C. We are still running version 7.0 d, on MS Server…
  • Update Multiselect field using PHP via SOAP

    I'm creating a PHP application that adds and updates data in CRM (version 7.1). Here is the code snippet that I'm using for updating fields: $update_data = array("personid"=>$person_id_in_crm, "interestedin"=>$product); $update_var = new SoapVar($update_data…
  • Sage Webservices using SOAP

    Hi, Did anyone have a example of using the Sage webservices SOAP with SOAP UI or PHP for example ? I need the correct syntax (XML) for a method (read, modify, insertLines or delete..). Thanks in advance Best regards
  • Sage X3 V7 Update8 SOAP Webservice Using PHP

    Hi eveybody, I want to call webservices to interact with Sage using PHP. I have this error : Il n'y a pas de Header element [][CAdxCallingContext] dans le message Soap. I can have the Object WSDL and the listing of methods…