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  • Legend in SEI chart showing duplicates from the column's description

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone else had a similar issue when building graphical view on SEI. On the screenshot bellow, for each product category on the legend I get duplicates of the column's description. Thanks in advance for your help. Tar…
  • Sage 2020R2 - Report legend with to many decimal places

    Effect in Sage CRM 2020R2 All reports with legend (except gauge) show too many decimal places in the legend values. That doesn't look really nice, maybe someone has a solution. The values in the report list, however, are displayed correctly. If the…
  • How to change the order of your chart legend

    In an Excel chart, the series is in a particular order, and the legend entries are listed in their own particular order based on certain criteria. Sometimes, there's a need to move the series within a chart or within a legend. It's easier to interpret…