Field Option for Capitals


I am trying to make the Company Name field on a screen Capitals/Upper Case only.

There is an Option column on the Screen dictionary that contains Capitals (selection A). When I set it to A and validate the CPYNAM field, it will covert any text entered as Lower case into Upper case.

It however does not allow you to enter a space or characters in the field.

Is there a combination of Options that I have to choose together with the A, in order for the field to allow spaces and characters?

I have tried a few from the available Option list but without any success.

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    You can attempt to enter in A# into field options. This will enforce the field to only accept capital letters and numerals.

    To allow for special characters additional to what is built into X3, you do it at the ADX>FMT parameters as seen below.


    You will need to add the “&”(or whatever additional special character you want) in TUL01 through TUL09. All special characters allowed must be entered after the “:” .  Save the changes and exit out and back into X3 to have changes come into effect.



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    You can attempt to enter in A# into field options. This will enforce the field to only accept capital letters and numerals.

    To allow for special characters additional to what is built into X3, you do it at the ADX>FMT parameters as seen below.


    You will need to add the “&”(or whatever additional special character you want) in TUL01 through TUL09. All special characters allowed must be entered after the “:” .  Save the changes and exit out and back into X3 to have changes come into effect.


