Sage X3 and 1099 year-end reporting

In accordance with the Sage X3 LifeCycle Policy, updates to the 1099 form changes for the 2020 reporting year will be provided for v11 and v12 only. To confirm your version of Sage X3 complies, check Administration > Utilities > Update > About.

As of January 1, 2020, non-employee compensation is now reported on the 1099-NEC form. Updates were made to Sage X3 earlier this year to support tracking the information for the 1099-NEC form. An additional update will be required to generate the forms for filing.  This update will be made available for v11 and v12 only.  Refer to this Sage City post for more information on the 1099-NEC changes.

Be sure to subscribe to the Sage X3 Announcements, News, and Alerts forum to be informed when updates for the 1099 form changes are made available.

  • Thanks Alex

    Do i understand that the actual 1099 -NEC report will NOT be made available for customers on PU9 and earlier? 

    If that is the case then, for a customer on PU9 and earlier, what is their plan of action to print the NEC forms? 

  • Thanks Alex

    Do i understand that the actual 1099 -NEC report will NOT be made available for customers on PU9 and earlier? 

    If that is the case then, for a customer on PU9 and earlier, what is their plan of action to print the NEC forms? 

  • in reply to kris86

    Generating the 1099-NEC form will not be available in PU9 and earlier.  Possible options include: Upgrade to a supported version, create a custom report to print to official form stock, or determine some other alternative solution.