Why is the Gross Price for my Purchase order blank and where does it come from?

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The gross price can be blank for a few reasons:

  • The Price List has expired
  • No Price List setup
  • No Base Price entered in the Product record (Purchasing tab)

  • No Standard cost setup or STD cost is zero
  • The PURPRICE parameter is set to “No” in (General parameters, ACH, PRI)

The Purchase price for a PO can pull from the Base price, a Price list, or the Standard cost located on the Product-site record (Common data, Products, Product-site, Standard cost). Normally, the system will look for a price list first, if no valid price list exists, it will then go to the Product record (Purchasing tab), and look for the Base price, if no Base price exists, the system will then determine the value of the PURPRICE parameter (Setup, General parameters, Parameters value, ACH Chapter, PRI group). If the parameter is “Yes”, the Standard cost setup in the Product-site is used. If the parameter value is set to “No’, then no STD cost is used and the Gross price value will be zero.