Details! Details! Control account details?

1 minute read time.

The auditor asks for a report with the detail of all general ledger transactions for the 1st quarter. You sigh with relief as this is one of the least labor-intensive requests they have made. You quickly go to Reports, Reports and select Report code GLGRP (GL journal account details). You fill in the Date range of 1/1/2021 to 3/31/2021 and click Print.

Relief turns to a slight panic as you realize there are details for all the accounts except your control account. The Accounts receivable account only shows the total from the prior year and monthly totals per site.

There is no detail for the Account Payable account either.

Running the report for just either the AR or AP account yields the same results. Will you have to create a new report?

No, there is the GLGRPAUX report (Auxiliary general ledger)!

The report shows the details by customer. I selected Monthly total so there is a total by month for each customer.

If you were just looking for balances and total movements for a period, there is the BALGRPAUX report (Auxiliary balance). I’m running this without a Range of control accounts so that I will get both AP and AR.

To assist you with the audit requests, don’t forget the Account balance inquiry under Financials, Inquires. Click on the Action icon on the grid line for your account. Select Account from the dropdown menu. We are going to look at the AR account.

In the Balance grid, we now have the balance and activity totals by customer.  We can go to the Balance grid again, select the Action icon and click Account from the dropdown menu. We will look at the line for NA002.


We have the transaction details for the period 1/1/2021 through 3/31/2021. We can go deeper by selecting the Action icon again. If we select an invoice, we can drill down to the associated Journal, Customer invoice and Open items.

If we select a payment, we can drill down to the supporting Journal and the Payment details.


Hope this helps you during your next audit or bank review!

Stay safe my X3 friends!