Can type of payment such as cash or credit be changed after posting it?


Hello, I am hoping that I can get some assistance on an issue I’ve been facing at work.  I am posting payments as credit card, and two or three a month show up as cash when we are balancing our accounts out.  I am new to business works.

I am concerned because I have been checking and rechecking my payments when I post them.  I have even screen shot the payments to prove that I am clicking the payments as credit when processing them, and two or three a month still show as cash, and my screen shots show I had credit selected.

So, I am wondering if these can be changed after the fact?  Is it possible to change a credit card payment to cash after I have posted it?  And if so, how can I tell that this has happened?  

Your help with this is greatly appreciated.  One more thing.  Where could I find a manual to help train myself on how to do everything I need to do for my company?  I believe I am intentionally not being trained correctly.  

Thank you in advance!

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    verified answer


    You cannot change the “payment type” in our system once it has been posted. However, you may want to review the article from our Knowledge Base ( #79704 - Deposit posted as payment method of Check with check #0 will post as CASH payment (79704).  This relates to payments entered in Maintain Sales Order and when you enter the check #0 (zero - not a valid check #) the system changes the type to Cash. Otherwise, if you feel it is something with the system, I would have you contact support so that can work with you to discuss how you process transactions that could be causing your issue. You also may want to refer to article #100527 on setting the default type to make sure it is not set to Cash. How to set the default Payment method when posting customer payments (100527)

    We offer electronic manuals, help files, and training for Sage BusinessWorks.

    How to locate the Sage BusinessWorks manuals (41159)

    How to access help files for Sage BusinessWorks (17386)

    In the article How to obtain assistance with Sage Software products (17394) which offers classes through the Sage University site Sage University offers subject specific training classes or you may want to start with the training for BW-Sage BusinessWorks Essentials

