
Data import manager: Cannot create a multi-format text import job

Posted By FormerMember

For reasons I won't go into in this post, I cannot use Excel as a source for my data imports. Because of that, I'm looking at other formats. I got a flat text file to work for a very simple import which had only one staging table, but now I'm looking to import pending invoices, and I must fill both the header and detail staging tables.

I have created a layout file based on examples from the \Sage Software\Sage MAS 500 Client\DI\Schema Files folder. It looks like this:

InvoiceHeader,0,H,RecordTypeID,AuthOvrdAmt,BillToAddrAddrLine1,BillToAddrAddrLine2,<a bunch of other column headers removed for brevity>
InvoiceDetail,0,D,RecordTypeID,AcctRefCode,ActCommAmt,CmntOnly,<a bunch of other column headers removed for brevity>

I specify this as the layout file in Maintain Cource Connection, but when I click the Create button by the XML Schema File text box, I get the following error message:

Unable to complete creation of multi-format XML sample file.

To make sure it wasn't due simply to an error in the file I created, I tried using one of the example schema files. Same error. My next thought was that xsd.exe wasn't available in the current path, but I opened a command prompt and typed xsd /? and got the help message for the program. Not only that, but there's a copy of xsd.exe in \Sage Software\Sage MAS 500 Client\Managed Applications\Data Integration Services, so I doubt this is the issue either.

Any suggestions on where to go from here? I'd try using pure XML files, but I can't find any documentation or samples anywhere.

(Edit: Corrected typo xse.exe --> xsd.exe)