Importing Transactions into Project and Job Costing



I am getting the below error message when i try and Import transactions into Costs under the PJC transactions. The Error mentions PM0420 which either has to do with Document Number or Line Number, but I am not able to resolve this error  - Could someone please help me importing the attached file into Sage 300 PJC and let me know where the issue is ?


  • 0

    PM0420 is the source view returning the error message, Cost Entries Header.

    There is something wrong with your import file/template. Export an existing Cost and compare it to the spreadsheet you are trying to import.

  • 0

    In your Excel file, SEQ, DOCNUM and LINENO (detail page only) are blank, and must be filled in.  SEQ can be any number, as long as it matches from header to detail.  I usually use 0 if it’s only one document, or sequential numbers if importing multiple entries.  LINENO should be sequential numbers on the detail page.

    if you want the entries to be numbered automatically during import, delete or rename the DOCNUM column on both pages.  If you want to assign your own document numbers, keep that field and fill it in on both pages.  Again, they must match.  It probably also needs to be a string, so if your document numbers are numeric only, use an apostrophe at the beginning of the number to convert it to text.

  • 0 in reply to wheumann

    Hi Wheumann,

    It still doesn't work, I tried deleting DOCUM columns and  renaming SEQ, it gives me the same error, interesting thing is, when I export transactions from PJC and delete the data that is on there and manually type in the data that I want to export, the import works seamlessley. But, when I copy the data from another Excel file it gives me this error. The export fields and the data is exactly the same . The formats of the individual fields are also exactly the same, the import works when I manually type in the data but when copied doesnt work.

  • 0 in reply to [email protected]

    Sorry, did not renames SEQ but gave some random number.

  • 0 in reply to Team Equation

    I have done that and it doesnt work when data is copied into it, but If I manually type the data in, the import seems to work,

  • +1 in reply to [email protected]
    verified answer

    It's pretty hard to troubleshoot when you have so many fields you're trying to import. 

    The minimum on the Header page is just SEQ.  On the Detail page, it's SEQ, LINENO, CONTRACT, PROJECT, CATEGORY, RESOURCE, QUANTITY, UNITCOST. 

    My troubleshooting tip is to highlight the required field titles, use a formula to put an "x" or something before all field titles, and then remove the x from just the highlighted columns.  Others will be ignored.  Once you have a successful import with your copied data, start removing the x's, a few at a time, so that Sage will read those columns on import.  When it fails, you'll be better able to pinpoint the problem.

    Even after doing that, your file wanted to import a second line on the Header page; it was probably blanked out at some point.  Delete all rows below your data to clear that up and avoid a restart record.

    Hope this helps,


  • +1 in reply to wheumann
    verified answer

    Thank you so much Wendy, that worked!!! I just deleted all the other columns that you mentioned, and just kept the ones you said were minimum and the import worked just fine. That was great a help.