How to you link the SY_RoleSecurity table to the SY_Tasks table

I need to link these 2 tables in order to see a report of user roles and related tasks. But there doesn't seem to be a clear link. The SY_RoleSecurity table has key field called TaskKey which ha values of 9 characters, whereas the SY_Tasks table has a key field called TaskID that has values of 4 characters. Please help!

How is it done in Sage?

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    The 9 characters of TaskKey in SY_RoleSecurity can be used to read the primary key of SY_Task.  Those 9 characters in the TaskKey field are the first four fields in SY_Task which comprise the primary key , ModuleNumber (2 characters) + TaskOwner (1 character) + DeveloperCode (3 characters) + TaskID (3 characters)