Customer Type- Character Length


Is it possible to increase the customer type character length from 4?. This is in the customer AR_Master Table

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    Like Brian said, we have used multiple UDF fields in customer and invoice records to track a variety of different tags for customers, ie end user market, selling channel, etc.  (sometimes the same customer has different criteria depending on the specific order that we wish to track)

    If your customers and data you wish to track never change, could be useful to create a matrix to define alpha-numeric coding to define externally for use.

  • 0

    Like Brian said, we have used multiple UDF fields in customer and invoice records to track a variety of different tags for customers, ie end user market, selling channel, etc.  (sometimes the same customer has different criteria depending on the specific order that we wish to track)

    If your customers and data you wish to track never change, could be useful to create a matrix to define alpha-numeric coding to define externally for use.

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