Script will not get data from UDF


I am trying to use a button to link to a website that is based on a number stored in my Sage Data.
I know there is info in the field as I can query it from Excel.
I know the script is pulling data as I can get the Order Date based on the order number store from the invoice. But it will not grab the data from the UDF


sSOrderNo = ""
sSalesOrderNo = ""
sSalesOrderDate = ""

    retVal = oBusObj.GetValue("SalesOrderNo", sSalesOrderNo)
    retVal = oSession.AsObject(oSession.UI).Messagebox(sSalesOrderNo)

    oSalesOrderNo = oSession.GetObject("SO_SalesOrderHistory_svc")
        if oSalesOrderNo = 0 then
            retVal = oSession.AsObject(oSession.UI).Messagebox("No Permissions")
        end if
    Set oSalesOrderNo = oSession.AsObject(oSalesOrderNo)
    'retVal = oSession.AsObject(oSession.UI).Messagebox("You are In")
    retVal = oSalesOrderNo.SetKeyValue("SalesOrderNo$", sSalesOrderNo)
    retVal = oSalesOrderNo.Find()
        retVal = oSalesOrderNo.GetValue("OrderDate$", sSalesOrderDate)
        retVal = oSalesOrderNo.GetValue("UDF_SERVICEPROORDERNO$", sSOrderNo) - This is the data it will not get.
        retVal = oSession.AsObject(oSession.UI).Messagebox(sSalesOrderDate)
    retVal = oSession.AsObject(oSession.UI).Messagebox(sSOrderNo)

'sCompiledPath = ""<WebLink>" +sSOrderNo +""

'oScript.Execute "INVOKE %SYS_SS'WDX$+""""""" + sCompiledPath + """"""""
' Use this for passing the path froma variable.

Is there something I am missing about being able to grab data from a UDF in a script?
Any assistance would be appreciated.