• Show Action when condition is meet

    Hi all, I am creating a workflow. in my workflow, I want to have a condition before proceed to the next action. Based on this condition, I will show/hide the next action. for example: if Lead company is match (Lead_CompanyMatch='Y'), show action…
  • How to disable Convert to Opportunity until a certain state?

    Hi all, I want to create a Lead approval workflow. It is consist of few stages: Start, approved, not approved, resubmit, and Final Rejection. I do not want to allow the Lead to be Converted to Opportunity until it comes to the final state: Approved…
  • Defaulting an email template to a specific Action within the dropdown option

    Hi. I'm hoping this is something we can do. We use an Invoice template to send invoices to customers. We would like to have the Invoice template default to a specific Action called "Invoice Sent". I can default all actions to this selection, however…
  • vNotificationOpportunity error?

    Hi all, I'm new to CRM so was wondering what the issue is here? I don't need a trigger, it must just execute when this workflow step is clicked. Thanks in advance for the help.
  • Workflow Action - OnChange script -- Where stored in MetaData?

    Help please! I am looking for some scripts in a system in which parts of it are being migrated to another system. I am trying to locate Create Script or OnChange Script populated on a workflow rules actions. I believe I have located the values for…
  • Workflow action. Condition sending of email for sold opportunity based on team.

    We have a workflow action of Sold. This action has a requirement that if the team on the opportunity is a specific team, they want an email sent. If not, they want a different email sent. I see a javascript condition on the rule itself but not on the…
  • Sending an email out of CRM

    Hi, I am working on a workflow where I have to send an email to the lead email as an action. When I pick the action "send email", I do not have the option of lead_email from the available list. Is there a way to add that field in the list? Using…