• Calculations with derived fields – is this possible?

    I used a derived field on a screen (I used the derived field for a calculation). When the screen is called, I get a message saying the field cannot be found along with a Safe Call Exception. I am hoping that I just fudged something up along the way and…
  • Building Search Selects without reference to metadata

    I've got a custom page with a custom built list on it. I need to add a person search select on the page. This field has been built without reference to metadata. So far, I have this: You see the advanced search select on the right. Ideally I…
  • Webservices query

    I'm doing a data import/update using a custom application which works via webservices and I've hit a problem. My import data contains a field called region. That region contains data like: Sri Lanka India There are many more. I use this field to do…