• SData 2.0 How to assign relation (for instance email to a person)

    Hi, I am able to list emails for a person like this: → curl -H "Authorization: Basic $AUTH" "'1502')/Email" | jq { "$url": "http://msedgewin10/sdata/crmj/sagecrm2/-/Person('1502')/Email?startindex…
  • Sorting works but the returned URLs are wrong

    SData 2.0 web services endpoints order the returned data correctly but change the order by direction in the returned URLs. For example, making a request to the following: `vPeople?where=Pers_CompanyId eq 'companyID'&startindex=1&count=10&orderby=Pers_PersonId…
  • SData post to EmailLink table failure

    Hi there, I am trying to post a new record to the EmailLink table but I am getting the error that the resource kind does not exist. I am now hoping that I can be pointed in the direction of a solution, so I'll explain what I've tried and also the…