• Add Email Address To Selected Person

    Is it possible to add the persons email address below here? Thanks!
  • Info Displayed under selected Person

    Is it possible for me to change the field(s) shown under the company and/or person after they are selected for an opportunity? At the moment it shows the primary phone number. Thanks, Anthony
  • Data Upload Person SecTerr

    Pers_SecTerr does not seem to be a field available for importing through the data upload. Am i missing something or is that the case? How are we supposed to set the Person Territory? Thanks! Anthony
  • Data import Person - required fields blank

    I am attempting to do a data import. The company already exists in the database, the import is intended to bring in the contacts. For all the records being imported, the system is rejecting them with the following message. Error Invalid Person Details…
  • Can a person from a Parent company be associated with opportunities for the Child companies?

    FYI - I'm a relative noob to my company and Sage CRM. I'm also not completely sure which elements of our implementation are OOB and which have been customized. TIA for your help and patience. Is there a way to have a person from a parent company associated…
  • Inserting Emails from Outside Source - Person Record Exists, No Phone/Email

    A customer of mine has their Sage CRM integrated with Sage PRO (retired ERP product in North America). The custom integration for the product creates the Person records, but has not required a Phone or Email value for the record. Therefore there’s no…
  • Change Person Addresses to match Companies

    Hi, I've taken a look but, unless I'm blind.. I'm unable to find anything to help me. I'm wanting to change all the addresses for all the "Persons" to be the same as each company. Is there any way (through SQL or CRM itself) to accomplish this? I'm…
  • Help! View that joins company and person

    Hi Everyone, I am trying to customize a view that can look up customer number from the entity company and match it with each person associated with that company. The fields that I would like in the view are customer number, company name, business…
  • Clarification on Leads versus Person entries

    Currently when we receive requests for information via webforms, we import these as Person profiles. Would these be better off (or more logically) imported as Leads instead? In an effort to maximize our marketing efforts, what would be the best or recommended…
  • Unmatch Company/Person from a Lead

    Is it possible to add a button/link to the Lead screen which will "unmatch" a Company or Person from the Lead? It is possible to do by editing the record, saving it with a new Comapny, clicking the "Add or Find this Company link" and selecting the new…
  • SOLVED - Communications Preview Window

    Hi All, Is it possible to create a screen that contains a list / grid (communications) and a preview window, a view similar to Outlook or any other email applications where you can select an email and preview before opening it? At present users use…
  • vPersonPhoneSummary optimisation

    Hi, we had a problem with the PersonPhoneSummary. When a customer call us, CRM display this Information after 1,40 minutes! We have 1,6 Million Entries in the Phone table. We had a look in that view. We changed the view, now it takes 2 seconds, to find…
  • De-duping person records

    What is the best way to de-dupe person records? We have thousands of duplicate contacts in our system and need to get it cleaned up quickly. What is the best way to accomplish this? Thanks.
  • Help Needed. View for Company and Person.

    Hi! I am looking for a view that I can pull Company info such as Company Name and Company segment, in addition to all contacts within the record . (Not just company primary) Does anyone have a view that handles this request? Needed: Company - comp_name…
  • add new field / edit Screen "PersTopContent"

    which view did sagecrm 7.2 b use in this screen, "PersTopContent" ? how is it possible to add a new field from enity company in this view? thx
  • Link_CompAddr and Link_PersAddr won't disappear

    Hi there everyone, I tried to remove the address type for companies and person because it was not needed. I removed the relevant translations for all of it and it worked but now it says Link_PersAddr in the person entry screen and Link_CompAddr in…
  • Lead Address, lead_companyaddress and Persons addresses

    When one of our users enters a Lead and then converts it into an Opportunity, the address (lead_companyAddressX) goes to the Company and the user has to enter the (often same) address for the Person record. Can you have lead_CompanyPersonAddress and have…
  • Problem with company/person selection resulting from Opportunity screen customizations

    When we create an opportunity, we go to the Person field first on the opportunity screen to determine what account they are calling about. This is because one person may be associated with multiple accounts. Anyway, we modified the dropdown box you see…