dtSearch generates files in c:\Windows\temp every 5 minutes



Found in two custmers that some service in CRM are generating one new log file in  C:\Windows\temp every 5 minutes.

The files starts with:

Logging error writing to previous logdebuglog.log
Error: Acceso denegado. (5)
Starting new log in: C:\Windows\TEMP\dtSearchDebugLog29201260.log 7:30:51.26 -- [5] ========================================================================================
7:30:51.26 -- [5] dtSearch Engine Windows 32-bit Unicode Visual C++ 2017 Version 7.94 Build 8620 (Jul 19 2019 13:52:38)

CRM version 2021 R2.3

Anyone found similar issue?  Any idea of what is wrong?
