Security Policy: View all leads/opps but hide person and companies


In our current setup we had a base setting for all our users due to having a small internal team, a simple security profile for their home territory was all that was needed to get them to view what they needed. Now we are adding some outside consultants and wish to restrict their searching capabilities. 

Within the user settings I can restrict them to only "My CRM" and lock them only to their own lists, however they still have access to the "Find" options to search on every person, company and opportunity within the CRM.  Adjusting the "view" settings within the security profile they are assigned to for Persons and Companies  removes the Find/search options however the leads and opportunities disappear from their "My CRM" despite being assigned to them.

Is there a better way to restrict Find?  Or do I need to start getting a bit more complicated by working in things like new territories.

Parents Reply
  • +1 in reply to Guy Cecil
    verified answer

    This does sill work, I use it often for different things and this is what I would recommend. Either in the SQL Clause put in user_userid NOT IN (1,2,3) etc. 

    Or for something neater create a custom checkbox (e.g. user_hide) on the user screens 'Hide Find' and then you can tick this for certain users and in the SQL Clause put in user_hide IS NULL 

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