Opportunity and Quote Number - CRM

Hello All,

When we create an opportunity it creates a numerical number i.e. 100,000.

We the create a Quote within this Opportunity and it creates a different number.

Is there a way that we can have the Opportunity number the same as the Quote number?

Thank you


  • 0

    Also by your wording it implies you want the Quote number to drive the Opportunity number. In fact you would want the Opportunity number to drive the Quote number. This is because you can have Opportunities without a Quote, but Quotes must be linked to an Opportunity. 

    Otherwise I agree with the others, what is the end result you're after and then we probably have an answer to that. 

  • 0 in reply to Matthew Shaw

    Thanks for your replies

    What I would like is to create an opportunity, from then on that opportunity number becomes the quote number

    The problem at the moment is that we have an opportunity number and a quote number that are different

Reply Children
  • 0 in reply to TimHystat

    That's fine but you will have to customise the functionality to do that.  You will have to create a script to update the quote reference when you create a new quote.

  • 0 in reply to TimHystat

    Potentially the standard numbering system would work, but it depends on what your current Quote number is. 

    Standard CRM functionality is to use the SQL ID of the opportunity, So you create an Opportunity (e.g. ends up with SQL ID of 1000) then when you create a quote, the quote reference is QT-1000/1 (with the /1 meaning this is the first quote on that opportunity, if you create a second quote it becomes QT-1000/2) 

    Reverting back to this should be straightforward, but would only work for you if the current Opportunity ID's are higher than your current quote numbers. 

    Then for Opportunities you can very simply introduce a text field to the screen (e.g. oppo_oppono) and via a SQL trigger (My knowledge is more SQL than tablescripts) you can get it to populate with the Opportunity ID. This way you can show on the opportunity its number, then have quote with the same number plus /1, /2 etc. 

  • 0 in reply to Matthew Shaw

    The thing to note first is that there is already functionality to put a reference number onto the opportunity screen so that will need to be dealt with first.  Although it is possible, it is not necessary to use a SQL trigger as the display of the opportunity id is easily possible by way of a view.