Edit Attachment in CRM 2020 is working for anyone?

Hi All,

I know ActiveX is eliminated from CRM 2020 version.  As per  https://www.sagecity.com/sage-global-solutions/sage-crm/b/sage-crm-hints-tips-and-tricks/posts/sage-crm-2020-r1-document-drop-in-all-browsers. Edit attachment is working on IE11. But I tested and not worked. Is there anyone to whom this functionality goes well with IE11?

So that I could know where I'm going wrong. Please help.

Parents Reply
  • in reply to Sulfath Shajahan

    Hi Sulfath

    Same as me, IE running CRM 2020 R1.1 I'm at the following step and I can 'View' the document but when I click 'Edit Merged Document' Word never opens up 

    I just clicked Save and it prompted the Plugin, so allowed it and tried again. Now I get this "Functionality Not Available"
