Sage CRM API Address Type


How do you specify a type value (e.g. "Billing", Shipping" etc.) when adding an Address Entity via the Sage CRM API (webservice.add). I can't see a relevant field in the list below:-

address1, address2, address3, address4, address5, addressid, addressidSpecified, channelid, channelidSpecified, city, companyid, companyidSpecified, country, createdby, createdbySpecified, createddate, createddateSpecified, idlocation, intforeignid, intid, intidSpecified, intlastsyncdate, intlastsyncdateSpecified, locationdescription, personid, personidSpecified, postcode, promote, state, timestamp, timestampSpecified, updatedby, updatedbySpecified, updateddate, updateddateSpecified, uszipplusfour