E-mails cannot be sent as the records in this list are either not associated with a company or person or the associated record has no e-mail address



Sage CRM 2018 R2:

I am getting this message "E-mails cannot be sent as the records in this list are either not associated with a company or person or the associated record has no e-mail address" when trying to send mass email using a group.

The group uses the following SQL : 

CREATE VIEW vPersonBulkImport
SELECT P.Pers_PersonId,
BI.[Person Reference No] AS pers_refno,
BI.Name AS pers_fullname,
BI.[Email Address] AS pers_email,
BI.[Company Name] AS comp_name,
BI.[Account Manager] AS account_manager,
BI.Type AS comp_type
FROM EMS.dbo.BulkImport BI
LEFT JOIN CRM.dbo.Person P ON BI.[Person Reference No] = P.pers_refno

On my testing the two people in the group are linked to a company and business email address.

Am I missing any fields in my group to get this working ? I thought the companyid and personid would be enough ?

