Create New Group Button not Saving new group


I have created a create new group button to go on my case screen. The button when clicked opens up the create new group page in a pop up but when I click save nothing happens. However if I click save without entering information the correct validation comes up saying please enter group name. This is my code on my asp page:

var CreateURL = (eWare.Url(597)+"&Act=133"+"&Mode=1"+"&Clk=T"+"&T=Case"+"&Key0=22"+"&Key1=8");

var CustGroupBtn = eWare.Button("Create New Group", "new.gif","'"+CreateURL+"','NEWGROUPFROMFIND','scrollbars=,menubar=no,resizable=,top=200, width=400,height=300');");;
var reff = /href/gi;
CustGroupBtn = CustGroupBtn.replace(reff,"onclick");

Does anyone know what I might be missing?

  • 0

    I am trying to add a Create New Group Button to a custom entity.  Is this possible?  I added the following script to the EntityFind.asp page.

    searchContainer.AddButton(CRM.Button("Create Group","save.gif", CRM.Url(597)));

    The Create New Group Screen comes up.  However, if I hit Save, nothing appears to happen.  Also, as indicated in the post above, if I don't enter a name and hit "Save", I get a message that the name is missing.

    This is my URL when I am on the page...


    I have noticed that when I am on the Create New Group screen for other entities, they do not have the # on the end of the URL


    Plus each entity appears to have its own SearchKey.  CompanySearchKey = 19.

    Key 58 is the key for a custom entity and does not represent a SearchKey.

    Is it possible to enter a translation in order to get this to work.  Or am I attempting something that is not possible?

    If I am not able to do this with an action code, is there another way to add a Create New Group button to a custom entity find screen?

    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.