Oppo Email Notifications - not sending to Company Account Manager

I have an Escalation set to fire off an email when a new order is placed. Its running from the Opportunity table. It should be sending to the Primary Account Manager on the Company & then CC'ing 2 managers; I am BCC'ing myself to test.

The 2 managers & I get the notification, but the Account Manager does not. It is simply blank when the email goes.

I added the field to the To: box from the list "--Company-Account-Manager-- & it changes it to #comp_primaryuserid# once saved. When I go back to review the setup, its still there.

According to the docs, this is a valid field & format, so any idea why it doesn't work?

Comp_PrimaryUserId Account Manager #Comp_PrimaryUserId#

It was doing this in v7.3 & we just upgraded them to v2018 R2 & still doing it.

Thanks! ~Dana