Serious Error Running:

This is my first update of Sage CRM and I am working on a test system and I am upgrading from 2018 R2 to 2018 R3. The error was successful but I received this error message:

serious Error Running: %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Sage\CRM\CRM\Setup\views\

I then located the full error message below. I have been poking around the opportunity tab and I can really find any problems. Giving that our view script is just one field off is this something I should be concerned about or are there specific steps I should take to rectify the issue either before or after the upgrade.

After line 15: Error creating view vListOpportunity:The view vListOpportunity contained in the view script is different to the view existing in the database. The script view has been saved as vListOpportunity_new.
The following fields are in your view but not in ours: Comp_Parent_District,.

CREATE VIEW vListOpportunity AS SELECT RTRIM(ISNULL(Pers_FirstName, '')) + ' ' + RTRIM(ISNULL(Pers_LastName, '')) AS Pers_FullName, Pers_PersonId, Pers_CreatedBy, Pers_SecTerr, Pers_PrimaryUserId, Pers_ChannelID, epd_pers.epd_EmailAddress as Pers_EmailAddress, Comp_Name, Comp_CompanyId, Comp_CreatedBy, Comp_SecTerr, Comp_PrimaryUserId, Comp_ChannelID, Chan_ChannelId, Chan_Description, epd_comp.epd_EmailAddress as Comp_EmailAddress, Opportunity.*, (COALESCE(Oppo_Forecast, 0) * COALESCE(Oppo_Certainty, 0)) / 100 AS Oppo_Weighted FROM Opportunity LEFT JOIN vPerson ON Pers_PersonId = Oppo_PrimaryPersonId LEFT JOIN CRMEmailPhoneData epd_pers ON epd_pers.epd_EntityID = 13 AND epd_pers.epd_RecordID = Pers_PersonID LEFT JOIN Company ON Comp_CompanyId = Oppo_PrimaryCompanyId AND Comp_Deleted IS NULL LEFT JOIN CRMEmailPhoneData epd_comp ON epd_comp.epd_EntityID = 5 AND epd_comp.epd_RecordID = Comp_CompanyID LEFT JOIN Channel ON Oppo_ChannelId = Chan_ChannelId WHERE Oppo_Deleted IS NULL