How can I change the status of lines that have been checked with AddUrlButton?


I would change the status of lines that have been checked.
Let me explain, I have a javascript function that returns the id of each row selected.

private string JsCheckBox()
"javascript:" +
"var schecked='';" +
"for(i=0;i<document.EntryForm.elements.length;i++) {" +
"if (document.EntryForm.elements[i].name=='_CKBXcomp_check') {" +
"if (document.EntryForm.elements[i].checked==true) {" +
"if(schecked==''){schecked=Math.abs(document.EntryForm.elements[i].value);}else{schecked+=','+Math.abs(document.EntryForm.elements[i].value);}" +
"}" +
"}" +
"}" +
"if (schecked == '')" +
"alert('No Check Box Selected');" +
"if ((schecked != '') && (confirm('Are you sure?'))) {" +
"self.document.EntryForm.action='" + UrlDotNet(ThisDotNetDll, "TestList&SelectedFields='+schecked") + ";" +
"self.document.EntryForm.submit();" +


I would like to see a new window when I click on the button (eg ChangeStatusButton) and I can choose a "status" from a picklist and be able to change the status of checked lines.

There he has examples for this problem?


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