Voice activated capability;


I had a request from one of my customers asking if there was a way to have a note or communication created by just talking to CRM on a mobile device.

Anybody knows of anything close?

Thank you

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    That is a brilliant idea. Can you add that to the ideas hub as it might be very good extension of some of our mobile features.

    I've just tested something on my little test system. I used an iPhone and recorded a Voice Memo. I then sent an email to my test address '[email protected]' (it isn't actually this address! ) which was monitored by Sage CRM Advanced E-mail Manager. I wrote a little script to parse the email and check that it had an attachment of type 'm4a'.

    The file and communication were stored in Sage CRM and I added a notification for the system administrator that the audio had arrived.

    The down side is that I had to then manually associate the file to the record (company/person/opportunity) in Sage CRM.