Tabs Issue

I'm having an issue with the tabs on my .net pages. Pages are created inheriting the dll classes (DataPageEdit, DataPage, etc)

If I don't include GetTabs("customentity"); in the buildcontents override it shows the tabs of the parent entity. However, if I include this line when I click on the summary tab I get two stacked sets of tabs.

public class BuildingData : DataPage
{ public BuildingData()
: base("Building", "bldg_buildingid", "BuildingNewEntry")
this.EditMethod = "RunBuildingEdit";
this.ContinueMethod = "RunBuildingList";

public override void BuildContents()
GetTabs("Building", "Building Summary");

I'm only having this issue when I inherit from those pages. I'm sure it has to do with the override of BuildContents, but I'm not sure how to correct this other than just not using the inherited classes.

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    Hi Bradd,

    To resolve this issue, you need to remove method “GetTabs("Building", "Building Summary");” from your current code and need to add “RunDataPage&J= Building Summary&T=Building” as a Method name in List Column from where you are passing “bldg_buildingid”. Refer below screenshot which will give you exact idea.

    In above screenshot, I have used Claims entity, you have to use your building entity for the same and need to handle “&J” and “&T” parameter correctly.

    Hope this helps!



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    I don't know if it will help as the field is limited to so few characters I can't add the entire query string.

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    This does fix the issue. I just had to change my tab name to be something shorter. Guess I will post in the ideas hub to expand the length of this field.