Statistics for Opportunity Pipeline on My CRM is not updated correctly


There are 2 issues when displaying the statistics of opportunities on My CRM:

1. Go to My CRM, click on Opportunities tab, and then the application displayed a list of my opportunities, and "Statistics for All Stage:" box correctly show the statistics.

2. Change any Stage such as Lead, click on Filter button, the statistics is displayed correctly.

3. The combination of Stage and Status filters (e.g., Stage = Lead and Status = All, or Stage = Qualified and Status = In Progress) will correctly display the number in Statistics box. There is one exception when any Status value combined with the Stage = "All" (e.g., Stage = All and Status = In Progress, or Stage = All and Status = Won), the number in the Statistics box all displayed '0.00' (this is first issue), and the caption for Statistics box is changed to "Statistics for Stage: sagecrm_code_all" (this is second issue). I've confirmed that it does have opportunity exists with the Stage = All and Status = In Progress, or Stage = All and Status = Won. Please see screenshot for details.

I've tested this functionality on IE, Firefox, Safari, and got the same issue so this issue shouldn't be browser dependent. I've also tested the same functionality on 7.0SP1, 7.1SP2 and 7.2c, and only 7.2c has this issue. Thanks in advance for any feedback or advice.

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    I have checked this screen with your settings (above) in 7.2B and the gencaptions for the Statistics for Stage: sagecrm_code_all doesn't exist.

    Turn on your inline translations (Administration > Customisation > Translations) and then select your My CRM > Opportunities screen and the blue asterisk next to the sagecrm_code_all metadata. This should read: Statistics for All Stages in the translations and the Caption Family should read: GenCaptions. You may have to add a new translation for this, refresh the metadata and then it should all work as designed.

    I hope this resolves your issue.


    Penny Vaskess