Customers on Hold in 7.2

Looking for a little help with some coding as I am not a coder. I found past posts here for prior versions how to display a warning for customers that are on "Hold."

var recAccpacCust = eWare.FindRecord("ARCUS", "IDCUST='" + Values('comp_idcust') + "'");

var bOnHold= recAccpacCust('SWHOLD');

if (bOnHold == 1)

{ eWare.AddContent('<div style="background-color: #aa0000; color: #ffffff; font-weight: bold;font-style:italic;text-align:center;">Please keep in mind that this company is on HOLD</TR><TR><BR></TR>'); }

Now after upgrading that code doesn't work anymore. I am able to get this to work but of course it shows for all customers.



crm.errorMessage("This customer is on HOLD"); })


Any help would be appreciated. Thanks