Escalation Rules and Overdue Tasks


I've been looking at creating an escalation rule that will send an email notification to the user that created the communication to inform them that their task is overdue.

I can't seem to get this to work however. I've taken the pre-built 'Communication Reminder' rule and altered it from;

Escl_DateTime <#T And Escl_UserID=#U AND Upper(RTRIM(comm_status))=N'PENDING'


#T > Escl_DateTime And Escl_UserID=#U AND Upper(RTRIM(comm_status))=N'PENDING'

I've also tried creating a Notification on the Communication Entity but can't set the conditions send and email if current time (#T) is greater than Date/Time it's due.

Has anyone else this working? I'd be really interested to know how.

Thanks in advance,
