Mapping Component - search doesn't include the company postcode.

I and the team here love the mapping component but it has one important flaw; it doesn't automatically include the postcode in the address in the search box when locating a company. This means that the pin is often some distance from the actual location or even miles away if there are two streets with the same name in the surrounding area. How can the postcode be automatically added to the search without having to manually add it by copy and past from the postcode entry in the summary tab for example? Thanks.

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    Hi Sparky,

    Just add the following line to the mapstab.asp page

    params.addr_address1 = addr.addr_address1;
    params.addr_address2 = addr.addr_address2;
    params.addr_address3 = addr.addr_address3;
    params.addr_address4 = addr.addr_address4;
    params.addr_address5 = addr.addr_address5;
    params.addr_city = addr.addr_city;
    params.addr_postcode = addr.addr_postcode;
    params.addr_country = CRM.GetTrans("addr_country", addr.addr_country);


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    Thanks Sean

    How do I do this? I have no experience of this type of thing as I am just a CRM user.


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    Hi Sparky,

    You need access to the sage crm files.

    I would ask whoever supports your Sage CRM Install to make a change to the following file on the application server.

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Sage\CRM\CRM\WWWRoot\CustomPages\xtmp_Maps\mapstab.asp (line 57)

    And include the postcode parameter.



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    Hi Sean

    Unfortunately our Sage CRM installer won't do this as part of support so I will have to ask them to include it in any further customisation we have done.

    Thanks anyway and I will let you know when it is implemented and working.
