Using Drag & Drop to Upload Documents and Attach them to a Task

2 minute read time.

In the article "Uploading and Attaching Documents to a Task in Different Browsers" I explained that in Sage CRM we can

  • Upload Multiple Documents and Create a Task
  • Attach Multiple Documents to an Existing Task

The Drag and Drop document feature allows Sage CRM to upload multiple documents together and create an associated Task. And a user may notice differences in the Drag & Drop behaviour depending on the browser they use.

This article will compare Internet Explorer and Firefox and so I assume that you have already downloaded and installed Firefox and Internet Explorer. I also assume that you have access to a default install of the demo system loaded with the standard demo data.

I'm also assuming that you have 2 files on your Windows Desktop that you can use for the upload.

Internet Explorer

Log on to CRM using the a standard user e.g. DolanW Then resize of the Browser window so that you can see the files on the Desktop as well as seeing Sage CRM open in the browser.

Navigate to a Company Summary screen e.g. 'Wolf Pumps'. and then click on the Documents Tab. You should see the Icon 'Document Drop'.

Note: This is an ActiveX plugin that allows a single file to be uploaded at a time.

Select one of the files from the desktop and drag onto the Document Drop icon and then complete the fields on the screen. If you want to associate the document with a Task, make sure that the "Create Communication and save merged document" check box is ticked.

Click the "Save" button to upload document. You should be presented with a list of documents.

That then is the basic Internet Explorer behaviour, so how does changing the browser make things different?


Using Firefox log on to CRM using the same user as above and resize of the Browser window so that you can see the files on the Desktop as well as seeing Sage CRM in the browser.

Navigate to the Company you were looking at before then click on the Documents Tab. This time you should see an area marked "Drop files here to attach them".

Note: This is an area that will allow multiple files to be uploaded at a time.

Select the two files from the desktop and drag onto the Drop area and complete the fields on the screen. As before in order to associate the documents with a Task, make sure that the "Create Communication and save merged document" check box is ticked and then click the "Save" button to upload document.

You should be presented with a list of documents which includes the two files you loaded together.