Duplicate email detection

1 minute read time.
In this article, I want to consider the way in which duplicate emails can be detected in the system and how Sage CRM will behave if we attempt to send a group to Mailchimp that contains duplicated email addresses.

There is a screen called Duplicate Emails that lists all Company, Person, and Lead records that have the same email address.
To access the new screen, on the main menu, click Marketing | Duplicate Emails.

Note: This screen is available only when Mailchimp Integration is enabled. To access this screen, you must have the right to use Mailchimp campaigns.

This screen helps users identify records that potentially can cause errors if sent to Mailchimp in the same group.

The Mailchimp Notification message

There is a notification that provides information about invalid and duplicated email addresses in a group sent to Mailchimp.  This also makes it easier to troubleshoot issues.

Users can click the number of invalid or duplicate emails in the notification to open the corresponding error group and correct the invalid email addresses or amend the duplicate email addresses to make them unique.

Below is a group of records that need loading into Sage CRM.  They will be added into a Territory called ‘Food & Beverage’. They contain some duplicate email addresses.

There are 20 people in the newly created group, and these are going to be sent across to Mailchimp.

In this example the communication with Mailchimp is successful. BUT… as you can see in the screenshot below

I’ve got a notification that tells me that Sage CRM has detected that the group contained Duplicates and will not be processed.  If I click the link ‘Duplicate emails’.

That link brings us to a new dynamic group that has been created that contains the records with duplicate email addresses.  The group is called the same as my original group but with the suffix ‘_error’.  We can now navigate to records and correct them as we need.
  • The issue is when the CRM is integrated with the ERP and there are multiple different customer records with the same contact at them and they can't remove the email address because it would also remove it from the ERP causing issues.  Need a way to just send the list without the duplicate contact in it, a choice the user makes to send the list knowing it will automatically remove any duplicate records.  We've done some things with views to row rank and only grab the newest person record but it doesn't work well when want to create these groups searching all records based on some criteria first unless we build that into the view which doesn't allow the user as much control as they want.

  • The issue is when the CRM is integrated with the ERP and there are multiple different customer records with the same contact at them and they can't remove the email address because it would also remove it from the ERP causing issues.  Need a way to just send the list without the duplicate contact in it, a choice the user makes to send the list knowing it will automatically remove any duplicate records.  We've done some things with views to row rank and only grab the newest person record but it doesn't work well when want to create these groups searching all records based on some criteria first unless we build that into the view which doesn't allow the user as much control as they want.

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