Phone Numbers in Company and Person screens

Less than one minute read time.

I need to revisit the "Email and Phone Numbers in CRM" article. I wrote it a very long time ago. It is basically true but thinking specifically about Phone numbers and how they are used in screens I thought it would be pointing out where the translations are used.

If you wanted to add a new phone number called 'Test' then you would actually need to add 3 translations.

These are

  • Link_CompPhon
  • Link_PersPhon
  • Link_PersPhon_Comp

Each are used in different locations

Link_CompPhon is used in the Company Phone/Email screen.

Link_PersPhon is used in the Person Phone/Email screen.

Link_PersPhon_Comp is used in the context of the New Company screen in the section where the New Person is added.

  • Kannan,

    No worries. I have been out of office recently just getting back in. Just to refresh I added the translation the same as what is seen when I look up the 'Area' translation. I refreshed the meta date but still it does not display in the phone portion for person or company. There has to be a way to tell where to add this translation....will a field need to be created so the information can be entered on that page?

    Thanks again!!

  • kowens sorry to have replied to this post late ,this would be displayed in the phone/email section the moment a translation is added and you have refreshed metadata

  • Kannan,

    I have added the translation my next question is once the translation is added how can it be added to the phone portion for person and company since these pages are not as editable as others. I just need the entry box to display on the page as country, area and number have.


  • hello kowens you could find existing translations for phones by looking through country, area and number in the administration->customization->translations search for an existing translation such as area and apply the same translation parameters for your new field that could be called extension

  • Jeff,

    What if I am wanting to add an additional 'box'...for example we have country code, area code and phone number...what if I want to add a box for extension in addition. How would this be added to these screens? I assume I would need to create a translation but not sure how to go about it since it is a little different that adding a typical number.

    Thanks in advance!
