Passing Parameters and Automatic Logons

1 minute read time.
Some time ago I wrote an article "Passing Parameters Directly to CRM on Startup".

The example I gave in that post was a URL that could be sent to someone in an email. The URL hyperlink when followed would prompt the user for a log in and then take them to the standard opportunity list.

http://servername/installname/eware.dll?Act=184 &Mode=1 &CLk=T &T=User

But more can be done with this idea of passing information into a URL.

For example, Gene Arnold in an earlier article called "SID and Key Grabber", discussed how a program running in the client can look for a browser window that has an active Sage CRM session open within it. The SID, or Sage CRM session id, can then be grabbed and used for a Web Services connection.

The same is true for a 'normal' http session. We can feed a SID into the URL and bypass the login screen and go straight to the screen we want. But I think this approach is far from satisfactory as it is only helpful if a session is already open. It can't be used in sent URL's included in emails etc. Every session is destroyed automatically if some one logs off or timesout or closes the window.

We could however pass the user name and password into the URL to carry out an automatic logon.

For example

http://localhost/crm/eware.dll/go?eware_userid=admin &password= &act=200 &key0=1 &key1=28 &key2=30

The parameters are


The above example would log you straight into the company summary screen for Gatecom.

This is not a brilliant solution because of the fact the username and password are passed in plain text and appears in the address line of the browser screen. Still security is helped if the request occurs over HTTPS.
For another way of embedding CRM hyperlinks into an email automatically within Workflow see the article "Embedded Links in Workflow Emails".