Mixing the Specialised ListPage class with an EntryGroup

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Below is a screen shot of a list page summary page that mixes in a summary block (EntryGroup) at the top.

The page has a filter box and supports paging of the list.

Below is the C# code used.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Sage.CRM.WebObject;
using Sage.CRM.Controls;
using Sage.CRM.Data;
namespace CompoundListPage
    public class OppoList : ListPage
        /* Constructor needs EntityName, ListName, IdField, FilterByField, FilterContext and ScreenName 
        public OppoList()
            : base("opportunity", "opportunitylist", "opportunityfilterbox")
            FilterByField = "oppo_primarycompanyid";
            FilterByContextId = (int)Sage.KeyList.CompanyId;         
        public override void BuildContents()
            Record mycompany = FindRecord("company", GetContextInfo("company"));
            EntryGroup myscreen = new EntryGroup("companyboxshort");
            myscreen.TitleURL = Url("200");
            myscreen.Title = Metadata.GetTranslation("tabnames", "company");