How to Build Buttons that call the Email Editor using the COM ASP API

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This has article has been corrected and the code reformatted 17th October 2011.
I have written before about building buttons that call the inbuilt system actions. The action code for the internal email editor is 1500.

We can set up a new SendEmail button on a custom page that will either display the editor in
  • Full Screen
  • Split Screen or in a
  • Popup Window

The code below shows how to create the buttons of each type and add them to a block.

//Code to call a Full Screen Email Editor

var strFullScreenEmailButton = eWare.Button("fullscreen","sendemail.gif", eWare.Url(1500)+" &key-1=1 &newbtn=t");

//Note Key-1 contains the integer that represents the entity previously in context e.g. 1=Company, 2=Person. See other articles about the Key Values to learn more.
//Code to call a Split Screen Email Editor
var strScript = "javascript: x= parent.frames['EWARE_HIDDEN'].location='"+eWare.URL(1500)+" &newbtn=t &Frame=email'; parent.SECONDSET.rows='70,*,*,0,0'; parent.SECONDSET.frameSpacing=1; parent.EWARE_HIDDEN.noResize=false; void(x)"
var strSplitScreenEmailButton = eWare.Button("splitscreen","sendemail.gif", strScript);

//Code to call the Email Editor in a PopUp window.
var strScript2 = "javascript: x ='"+eWare.URL(1500)+" &newbtn=t &Frame=popup','email','scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=920,height=600'); void (x)";
var strPopUpEmailButton = eWare.Button("popupscreen","sendemail.gif", strScript2);

//Add Buttons to Block
var myBlock = eWare.GetBlock("myscreen");

The button code here can be adapted for use in the .NET API.