Date and Times in Escalation Rules

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I have discussed in a previous article the structure and purpose of the SQL clause of an Escalation rule.


(quot_IsQuote is not null) AND UPPER(RTRIM(quot_Status))=UPPER(RTRIM(N'Active')) AND (Escl_DateTime<#T And Escl_UserID=#U)
We know that in the SQL trigger clause the #T and #U codes represent the current time and the currently logged on user. If the #T code represents the current time then we can imagine it being substituted as getDate in an implementation on SQL Server.
(quot_IsQuote is not null) AND UPPER(RTRIM(quot_Status))=UPPER(RTRIM(N'Active')) AND (Escl_DateTime #T ) and ((oppo_targetclose - 28)
or case_assigneduserid=#U and (case_notifytime+7)>#T


DATEDIFF (mi, case_notifytime, getdate()) > 30

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