Adding a field to display an Image. e.g. Product Photo

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Below is a screen that shows the product configuration area in Sage CRM.

To create this field I added a new field to the NewProducts table within the administration screens.

I called my field 'prod_productImage' and used the Entry Type 'WWW URL'. The field has a length of 200 and an entry width on 100.

I then added the field to the New Product screen 'ProductSummary'.

I put the field on a new line and allowed it to stretch over 5 columns.

I also added the following script into the custom content box.

[code language="Javascript"]
crm.ready(function () {
var myfield = crm.fields("prod_productImage")
if (myfield.getMode()=="view")

The image is entered as a URL.



Once the image has been entered and saved field shows the URL as an image.