Variable Non-existent when running Stock Accounting Interface,Stock Periodic Processing Valuation


Variable Non-existent when running Stock Accounting Interface,Stock Periodic Processing Valuation

V12 Patch Level 27

When using Sigma on the Stock Accounting Interface, Stock->Periodic processing->Valuation

Error 1
Class non-existent (Variable Non-existent).

Error 2
CURAFF:Variable Non-existent

Error 3
F:GDE: Class Non- existence

Detailed steps to replicate error :
Run Stock Accounting Interface using Sigma.

Similar error on V12 Patch Level 29

When running the Stock accounting interface, Stock->Periodic processing->Valuation

"Error 6 :variable non existent CAL1"

Resolution Steps Attempted for both issues :

Validations of the screens, adding fields to screen and window and table validation