
Unusually we have a VAT reclaim this quarter which has triggered a check, they are asking for a VAT audi trail?

Please could someone explain to me how to produce this?


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    Hi Cathryn,

    It might worth seeking clarity from HMRC. However, there are a couple of reports in Accounting that might help you provide this.

    Firstly, you can produce an Audit Trail report which, if you run it for the relevant quarter, will show a list of all transactions processed in that period. To do this go to Reporting > More > Audit Trail, then amend the dates filter to cover the relevant VAT quarter. 

    Alternatively, you can open the VAT Return that you submitted (Reporting > VAT Returns), then select Detailed Report. This will show a breakdown of all of the transactions that were included in this return. You can then save this as a PDF if required. 

    If this has answered your question, please click More > Verify Answer.


    Sage UKI