Bank feed shows a payment which has already been cleared


As above my Bank feed shows a payment which has already been cleared. Why is this possible and can I just delete it?
also I cannot get my phone number to appear on the invoice( I have tried many times to get help on this in the last year)

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    Hi Glynn,

    If the transaction there is a transaction in your Bank Feed that already appears in your Sage bank account, you can just hit the X on the left side of the transaction to remove it from the Incoming Transactions.

    With regards the issue you are experiencing with your phone number not appearing. The only advise I can provide through this forum is that you need to make sure that you have the Number entered into both About Your Business under Settings and also the Manage Business Account section by hovering over your company name.

    Once it is in both locations, within Settings and Invoice Form Settings, you need to scroll down to Contact Details and make sure the tick box is selected from Show Telephone.

    If you still experience issues, please contact our Support Team on - 0191 479 5911

    If this has answered your question please click More > Verify Answer.

    Thank you,