
Pension Contributions Split

Our biggest difficulty with Sage 50 payroll is that in our line of work, we have to do a lot of reporting to the Local Government Pension Scheme and a lot of the staff who we pay have multiple job roles for the same employer. For LGPS purposes, those roles need to have their earnings, employee & employer pension contributions split out and reported separately, as each role has its own pension pot. At the moment we have to do this manually which causes us hours of work each pay period.

A huge improvement for us would be to either link pay codes to a pension scheme reference within Sage, so that it calculates split pension records automatically. Or alternatively, if a member of staff could have two pay records within the same company which could be linked for total taxable/NI'able pay purposes, but pension contributions could then be split automatically as they would be processed separately from the two different pay records.

I called the technical helpline about this (as I have done many times before) and was told to suggest it here.
