
ITEMS PER PAGE........back to top of list

Pending/Publishing payslips web pages:-

Can you please put the "ITEMS PER PAGE" back to the top of the list, it does not show unless you scroll down the page.  So, when selecting employees to publish you click the all box thinking you have selected all employees, only to find later that you've only published 10 of the many paysilps.  Putting it back to the top of the list is an instant reminder.

Also the red, black and blue boxes are a terrible choice of colours - harsh to look at, not good for mental healrh as they are angry colours.  Pastels are much better!

I was always lead to believe that computers were supposed to make life easier.

  • FormerMember


    Thanks for the feedback. I've added this to our backlog to look at again.

    We're doing some further work on all our services at the moment to further improve the workflow, look and feel and architecture. 

