
FP32 (2016) Employer Payment Record and the £3,000 employment allowance

The current FP32 report asks for a range of months even if you are only doing monthly reporting to HMRC e.g. so the range for a month is from month 2 to month 2. The issues is if you make a mistake and select month 1 to month 12 (the default) by accident, it resets the entire monthly reporting of the payment record and can result in the system expecting you to get the employment allowance £3,000 again when you are not entitled.  I understand this is a very common helpdesk call issue and requires the payment records to be redone for each month to resolve the issue.

The easy answer is to copy the FP32 report and create a new "monthly FP32 report" where the criteria to run the report asks for the month number not a range. Companies with monthly reporting can use this report, quarterly reporting companies can still use the original report.  SAge have to do this as the current report will not allow the user to modify the criteria.